WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE held at The Village Hall, Braemar on 6th October 2006 at 10.30am PRESENT Eric Baird Eleanor Mackintosh Stuart Black Anne MacLean Duncan Bryden Alastair MacLennan Basil Dunlop Sandy Park Douglas Glass Andrew Rafferty Angus Gordon Gregor Rimell David Green Sheena Slimon Willie McKenna Susan Walker IN ATTENDANCE: Don McKee Andrew Tait Pip Mackie APOLOGIES: Nonie Coulthard David Selfridge Lucy Grant Richard Stroud Marcus Humphrey Ross Watson Bruce Luffman Bob Wilson WELCOME AND APOLOGIES 1. The Convenor welcomed all present. 2. Apologies were received from the above Members. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING 3. The minutes of the previous meeting, 22nd September 2006, held at The Albert Memorial Hall, Ballater were approved subject to an amendment to paragraph 54 changing ‘the Royal Society of Architects’ to the correct title of ‘the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland’. 4. There were no matters arising. DECLARATION OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS ON ANY ITEMS APPEARING ON THE AGENDA 5. Douglas Glass declared an interest in Planning Application No. 06/382/CP. 6. Don McKee, Head of Planning, declared an interest in Planning Application No. 06/382/CP, due to his wife being employed by Crathie Opportunity Holidays. PLANNING APPLICATION CALL-IN DECISIONS (Oral Presentation, Andrew Tait) 7. 06/381/CP - No Call-in Douglas Glass and Don McKee declared an interest and left the room. 8. 06/382/CP - No Call-in Douglas Glass and Don McKee returned. 9. 06/383/CP - No Call-in 10.06/384/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • The proposal is for the construction of a gauging station at Loch Kinord. The development includes underground works close to the shore of the loch as well as above ground works. A new track would be required for construction purposes as would a more permanent means of accessing the site for the maintenance and operation of the station. The site is subject to a number of important nature conservation designations and there are archaeological interests nearby. The application raises a range of issues in relation to nature conservation, landscape and cultural heritage. Consequently, the proposal is considered to raise issues of general significance for the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. 11.06/385/CP - No Call-in 12.06/386/CP - No Call-in 13.06/387/CP - No Call-in 14.06/388/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • The application represents a new house in a Restricted Countryside Area, where there is a presumption against new houses unless there is a land management justification. The proposal therefore raises issues relating to houses in the countryside, the cumulative impact of houses in such areas, and potential landscape and visual impacts. As such, the proposal is seen as raising issues of general significance to the collective aims of the National Park. 15.06/389/CP - No Call-in 16.06/390/CP - No Call-in 17.06/391/CP - No Call-in 18.06/392/CP - No Call-in 19.06/393/CP - No Call-in 20.06/394/CP - No Call-in 21.06/395/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • While the proposal is a reserved matters application, it is for the siting and design of a retail building of significant size on a prominent site on Grampian Road in Aviemore. The site is located adjacent to the Aviemore Burn and has significant tree cover. This proposal is also linked to a supermarket application on the same site that the CNPA is dealing with. The proposal is considered to raise issues in relation to landscape, nature conservation and the social and economic development of the area. Consequently, the proposal raises issues of significance for the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. 22.06/396/CP - No Call-in 23.06/397/CP - No Call-in 24.06/398/CP - No Call-in 25.06/399/CP - No Call-in 26.06/400/CP - No Call-in 27.06/401/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • This application is a full planning proposal for house plots on the edge of Cromdale. The proposal represents a significant addition to the settlement in terms of scale and raises issues in relation to housing layout, housing design, affordable housing, landscape, amenity space and infrastructure provision. This combination of factors consequently raises issues of general significance for the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. 28.06/402/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • This is a retrospective application for works in relation to the Laggan Water Treatment Works that the Cairngorms National Park Authority has previously granted consent for. The works that are the subject of this retrospective application vary significantly from what was approved and the application has linked significance with the original proposal that raised issues in relation to sustainable social and economic development and the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of this part of the Cairngorms National Park. Consequently, the application raises issues of general significance to the collective aims of the Park. 29.06/403/CP - No Call-in 30.06/404/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • This is a retrospective application for works in relation to the Laggan Water Treatment Works that the Cairngorms National Park Authority has previously granted consent for. The works that are the subject of this retrospective application vary significantly from what was approved and the application has linked significance with the original proposal that raised issues in relation to sustainable social and economic development and the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of this part of the Cairngorms National Park. Consequently, the application raises issues of general significance to the collective aims of the Park. 31.06/405/CP - The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason : • This is a retrospective application for works in relation to the Laggan Water Treatment Works that the Cairngorms National Park Authority has previously granted consent for. The works that are the subject of this retrospective application vary significantly from what was approved and the application has linked significance with the original proposal that raised issues in relation to sustainable social and economic development and the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of this part of the Cairngorms National Park. Consequently, the application raises issues of general significance to the collective aims of the Park. COMMENTING ON APPLICATIONS NOT CALLED-IN BY THE COMMITTEE 32.The Members wished to make comments to the Local Authorities on the following Planning Application No’s 06/381/CP, 06/383/CP, 06/389/CP, 06/391/CP, 06/392/CP, 06/393/CP, 06/397/CP, 06/398/CP, 06/399/CP, 06/400/CP & 06/403/CP. The planning officers noted these comments and were delegated with the responsibility of whether or not to submit the comments to the Local Authorities. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 33.David Green brought Members attention to a letter received from SEIRU regarding the CNPA’s recent request to reschedule a meeting for the Beauly – Denny Transmission Line to a venue nearer the CNP area instead of Perth. Don McKee advised that the response received was the same as sent direct to Gregor Rimell stating that the meeting venue could not be changed. 34.Don McKee advised that he had recently attended the first of the pre-inquiry meetings dealing with strategic issues and that there would be more meetings on local issues taking place. He informed Members that SEIRU appeared to be amenable to holding an inquiry session in the Park to specifically cover the part of the route being proposed through the CNP area. 35.Susan Walker advised that there were many venues in the Park area suitable for holding a large meeting. 36.Duncan Bryden stated SEIRU could consider video conferencing as an option for future sessions to maximise public involvement. 37.Gregor Rimell requested that a letter be sent to SEIRU stating the Board’s disappointment that the request to reschedule the first meeting had not been acted on. Don McKee confirmed that this could be done. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 69. Friday, 20th October 2006 at The Ben Mhor Hotel, Grantown on Spey. 70.Committee Members are requested to ensure that any Apologies for this meeting are submitted to the Planning Office in Ballater. 71.The meeting concluded at 11:35hrs.